I'm having a problem where by when i type in e.g localhost/capat/tutors/forms it gives me what i want but the side menu which has the links directing to other pages isn't what is meant to be there. The link i have for all the tutor pages is showing links for students on the left hand side but all the student pages are ok as its showing the right left hand link its meant to show and for the admin page, the left hand side link is also showing the student links. I'm not sure if you understand what i'm trying to say but this is my code. I hope you will be able to help me out. thanks


 * Class :  UI

//include main global file so that the session can be used
 function & rel7($struc, &$file) {
 	return file_exists( ( $file = ( dirname($struc).'/'.$file ) ) );
 function relativetome7($structure, $filetoget){
 	return rel7($structure,$filetoget) ? require_once($filetoget) : null;
relativetome7(__FILE__, 'inc_global.php');

class UI {
	// Public Vars
	public $page_title = '';
	public $menu_selected = '';
	public $breadcrumbs = null;

	// Private Vars
	private $_user = null;
	private $_menu = null;
	private $_page_bar_buttons = null;

	* @param string $_user
	function UI( $_user = null) {
		$this->_user =& $_user;

		// Initialise the menu - sets either staff or student menu items
		if ( ($this->_user) && ($this->_user->is_staff()) ) {
			// Staff menu
			$this->set_menu('Tutors', array ('home'				=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/index.php' ,
											 'my forms'			=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/forms/' ,
											 'my groups'		=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/groups/' ,
											 'my assessments'	=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/assessments/' ,)	);// /$this->set_menu()

			$this->set_menu('Support', array ('contact'          => APP__WWW . '/contact/') );// /$this->set_menu();

			//Admin menu
			if ($_SESSION['_admin'] == '1'){
				$this->set_menu('Admin', array('home'			=> APP__WWW .'/admin/index.php',
										   'upload data'	=>	APP__WWW . '/admin/load/index.php',
										   'review data'	=>	APP__WWW . '/admin/review/index.php'));
		} else  {
			// Student menu
			$this->set_menu('Students', array ('home'			=> APP__WWW . '/students/index.php' ,
											   'my groups'		=> APP__WWW . '/students/groups/' ,
											   'my assessments'	=> APP__WWW . '/students/assessments/' ) );// /$this->set_menu()

			$this->set_menu('Support', array ('contact'	=> APP__WWW . '/contact/') );// /$this->set_menu();

		$this->set_menu(' ', array ('logout'	=> APP__WWW .'/logout.php') );// /$this->set_menu();
	}// /->UI()

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Public Methods

	* Send the expiry headers.
	* Leave $expiry_date empty to force the browser to page refresh
	* @param string $expire_date
	* @param string $modified_date
	function headers_expire($expire_date = null, $modified_date = null) {
		// If no expiry date, expire at 00:00:01 today
		if (!$expire_date) { $expire_date = mktime(0,0,1,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y')); }

		// If no modified date, modified today
		if (!$modified_date) { $modified_date = mktime(); }

		header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $expire_date ) .' GMT');
		header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $modified_date) .' GMT');
		header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');		// HTTP/1.1
		header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);		// HTTP/1.1
		header("Cache-control: private", false);
		header('Pragma: no-cache');		// HTTP/1.0
	} // /-headers_expire()

	 * Function to generate the header
  function head () {
		Commented out until the day IE can show a full XHTML page without entering quirks mode
		echo('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="EN" />
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
	<link href="<?php echo(APP__WWW) ?>/css/capat.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<link href="<?php echo(APP__WWW) ?>/css/capat_print.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<title><?php echo(APP__NAME ) ?></title>
  } // /->head()

	 * function to close the body area of the page
	 * @param string $extra_attributes
	function body($extra_attributes = '') {
		echo("\n</head>\n<body $extra_attributes>\n\n");
	} // /->body()
	* render page header
	function header() {
	<div id="header">
		<div id="app_bar">
			<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
				<td width="175"><div id="title_logo"><a href=""><img src="<?php echo APP__WWW; ?>/images/tool/appbar_capat_logo.png" alt="<?php echo APP__NAME; ?>" /></a></div></td>
					if ($this->_user) {
						echo("<td>{$this->_user->forename} {$this->_user->surname}</td>");
					} else {
		<div id="breadcrumb_bar">
			You are in: <?php
				if (is_array($this->breadcrumbs)) {
					$num_crumbs = count($this->breadcrumbs);
					foreach( $this->breadcrumbs as $k => $v ) {
						if (!is_null($v)) {
							echo("<a class=\"breadcrumb\" href=\"$v\">$k</a>");
							if ($num_crumbs>0) { echo(' &gt; '); }
						} else { echo($k); }
	}// /->header()

	* Set the given section name to the given assoc-array of links
	* Does NO checking of $section_array
	* @param string $section_name
	* @param array $section_array
	function set_menu($section_name, $section_array) {
		$this->_menu["$section_name"] = $section_array;

	* Draw the menu
	function menu() {
		// If there's a menu, draw it	
		if ($this->_menu) {
			$menu_html = '<div id="menu">';

			foreach($this->_menu as $menu_section => $menu_links) {
				$menu_html .= ($menu_section==' ') ? '<div class="menu_section"><ul class="menu_list">' : '<div class="menu_section"><div class="menu_title">'. $menu_section .'</div><ul class="menu_list">';

				foreach($menu_links as $menu_name => $menu_link ) {
					$link_class = ($this->menu_selected == $menu_name) ? 'menu_selected' : 'menu'; 
					$menu_html .= '<li><a class="'. $link_class .'" href="'. $menu_link .'">'. $menu_name .'</a></li>';
				}// /for

				$menu_html .= '</ul></div>';
			}// /for

			$menu_html .= '</div>';
	}// /->menu()

	* Set a page bar button
	* @param string $text
	* @param string $img
	* @param string  $link
	* @param string $side
	function set_page_bar_button($text, $img, $link, $side = 'left') {
		$this->_page_bar_buttons[$side][$text] = array ('img' => "../images/buttons/$img", 'link' => $link);
	}// /->set_page_bar_button()

	* Draw the page toolbar
	function page_bar() {
		if (is_array($this->_page_bar_buttons)) {
			<div id="page_bar">
				<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						if (array_key_exists('left',$this->_page_bar_buttons)) {
							foreach($this->_page_bar_buttons['left'] as $text => $button) {
								echo("<td><a class=\"page_bar_link\" href=\"{$button['link']}\" title=\"$text\"><img src=\"{$button['img']}\" alt=\"$text\" height=\"50\" /></a></td>");
					<td width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
						// right-hand buttons are automatically set to target="_blank"
						if (array_key_exists('right',$this->_page_bar_buttons)) {
							foreach($this->_page_bar_buttons['right'] as $text => $button) {
								echo("<td><a class=\"page_bar_link\" href=\"{$button['link']}\" target=\"$text\" title=\"$text\"><img src=\"{$button['img']}\" alt=\"$text\" height=\"50\" /></a></td>");
	}// /->page_bar()
	* Footer
	function footer() {
	<div id="footer">
		<div style="float: right;">

		<iframe src="/keep_alive.php" height="1" width="1" style="display: none;">keep alive</iframe>
	}// /->footer()

	* Start main page content
	function content_start() {
		echo('<div id="main">');
		echo('<div id="content">');
		if ($this->page_title) { echo("<h1>{$this->page_title}</h1>\n\n"); }
	}// /content_start()

	* End main page content
	* @param boolean $render_menu
	* @param boolean $render_header
	* @param boolean $renders_footer
	function content_end($render_menu = true, $render_header = true, $render_footer = true) {

<div id="side_bar">
if ($render_menu) {
} else {
	if ($render_header) { $this->header(); }
	if ($render_footer) { $this->footer(); }
	}// /content_end()

	* function to draw the boxed list
	* @param string $list
	* @param string $box_class
	* @param string $header_text
	* @param string $footer_text
	function draw_boxed_list($list, $box_class, $header_text, $footer_text) {
		if (is_array($list)) {
			echo("<div class=\"$box_class\"><p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">$header_text</p><ul class=\"spaced\">");
			foreach($list as $item) { echo("<li>$item</li>");	}
	}// ->draw_boxed_list()

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Private Methods
}// /class: UI



Hi Dami,
I'm sorry but I didn't understand :-)

Correct me if I'm wrong please:
- you have three types of users: students, tutors and admins
- each of the users should see different menu
- everything works ok except for the menu: all users see the same - students' menu

I assume that this script isn't publicly accessible (you cannot give us URL - http://...) so could you at least post screenshots of the three situations and perhaps draw a circle in a graphical editor around the areas that are wrong?

Try write your description in a structured way, a list with items, just like I used above, as opposed to one long paragraph of text. It'll help you organize your thoughts.

I'm sure we sort it out in the end.

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