I dont know anything about computers.
I am trying to locate a download for a program which will
(a) speed up my iMac OS9, and/or suppress spyware which might be slowing my broadband speed.
I would be grateful for any suggestions.
Everything I look up is for PC, and/or is only available in USA.

I would try looking up stuff for Mac OS9 only as a start.

I looked on google, and this is the first thing that came up for mac.


I don't know of any spyware for Mac OS 9.

I'd be REALLY shocked if there was any, as OS 9 has been not been installed as the Main OS on a Mac for almost 5 years.

I'd look elsewhere as the source of your broadband speed troubles. Plus, the specs on your Mac might help us determine the problem. Are you using Virtual Memory? If so, turn it off. Is your hard drive full? If so, that will severely impact the speed of the Mac.

It should be noted that OS 9 wasn't blazingly fast back in it's day..


Mac OS 9 has a lot faster look and feel on my 333 than OS X does. I have a feeling when I upgrade to a new laptop, that the old one will return to OS 9, or I will install YellowDog Linux on it.

OS 9 had faster video drivers than OS X did for my Lombard. Quicktime movies, and Diablo II proved that one out.

OS 9 did not have a lot of open services and that on it. I am doubting you will find anti-spyware software for it. You can still find anti-virus software for it, but I am not certain if Norton or McAfee are keeping the definitions viable for the platform.

I do remember that I was able to speed up my internet experience under OS 9 by making a 10 MB RAM disk, and placing all the temporary internet files onto the RAM drive.


Did you find any free anti spyware for Mac OS 9?

I dont know anything about computers.
I am trying to locate a download for a program which will
(a) speed up my iMac OS9, and/or suppress spyware which might be slowing my broadband speed.
I would be grateful for any suggestions.
Everything I look up is for PC, and/or is only available in USA.

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