I've seen latest specs of Google Nexus 6, it's specs are quite good, given it's better than my laptop (that's why I'm changing my laptop soon). Like about a year ago, there was this scandal of NSA collecting data from Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo and Google. Well, the "mobile" Nexus is "made" by Google. I heard that you can install own operating system in them by ARM(?) files. But it's still Google's phone, and they still are potental candidates to have spyware installed into firmware of the mobile. Question is, should I buy this "gadget", install Linux on it, and feel as safe as on my laptop, or I should just forget it because regardless OS, they'll still be able to see whatever I'm doing?

Well, yes you are a little correct over this one Nexus 6 specs are like as powerful as a mini laptop ! But I think that you are going to miss your laptop still ! anyway what more you can add up over here's anything which has been shared online is never safe its only like we put a number of locks above then and by the time someone tries breaking it the use of that information is useless! So, I don't think that you shoudl think much about the security thing as also I have been hearing that the encryption with Lollipop running over Nexus 6 is something I would say much more secure.

But I think that you are going to miss your laptop still !

I don't plan to use it to replace a laptop. I plan to use it to replace current mobile and tablet.

which has been shared online is never safe its only like we put a number of locks above then and by the time someone tries breaking it the use of that information is useless!

Discrete Logarhytm?

So, I don't think that you shoudl think much about the security thing as also I have been hearing that the encryption with Lollipop running over Nexus 6 is something I would say much more secure.

Lolipop is version of Android, which is (so far as I know) provided by Google. Additionally I said:

should I buy this "gadget", install Linux on it, and feel as safe as on my laptop

Did you even pay attention to the question, or you just read the title and thought, "hey, lets post the answer" with hope it's somehow related? I'm not afraid of safety protecting me from the world, I'm afraid of safety protecting me from Google > NSA.

I don't care about safety between me and the world. I care about solid wall between me and Google (NSA).

Id rather stay VISTA and go silent for two years without nothing but Minecraft thats my strategy

But I also say that google has been playing up maybe googles still whinging what they done to microsoft

Id rather stay VISTA and go silent for two years without nothing but Minecraft thats my strategy

Minecraft has been bought by Microsoft from Mojang.

I know Riktelner

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