Hello Everyone,
This is the first time posting for me and hopefully I can get some feed back on booting problems.

I'm trying to fix my boss's computer and I have no idea how to fix it.

The computer goes to the windows loading screen and shows a black screen with a cursor.
I tried safe mode but does the same thing.

He recently had issues with Norton Antivirus scanning for viruses all day and this started happening.

Could anyone help me fix this?


Sony Vaio
2gig RAM
Dual Core CPU
Vista Home Premium

Well it sounds like you're in quite a jam and I had hoped some1 else would have some ideas for you. But as that doesnt seem to be the case here is my recommendation:
Remove the hard drive from your Boss's computer and set it as a slave drive in another computer and see if the system can recognize it. If yes then back up all the files your boss needs to save and insert the hard drive back into the old system. Next you'll want to try booting to CD (DVD) and reinstalling windows.

base on what you are telling us, was your boss scanning and the PC hang then he powered it off. did he delete the Norton anti virus directories or some files. try the last known good configuration on the safe boot menu. if that fails you will have to do a repair install (you will need the Vista DVD) Follow this link on how to do the repair

Thanks a bunch for the reply guys.

I have just downloaded and burned the Recovery Disk.

I'll see if it works!

So, I tried repaiaring using Installation Disk. But didn't work. I tried disk repair memory repair, system recovery, but it doesn't seem to start.

Do I have any other optioins at this point?

Yes my boss was trying to download from symantec and it froze so he shut it down and never started up again.

I was thinking of using command prompt from installation disk and some how go into symantec and erase it....

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