deepkirang 0 Newbie Poster

I have had this monitor and computer, a Gateway EV900 CRT monitor on a Radeon 9600 PRO card for over a year with absolutely no problems. Recently today, while I am playing Counter-Strike specifically, my monitor flashes in the center and then goes completely blank; I can hear all the sounds from the game, and the LED on the front of my monitor remains green. I say specifically Counter-Strike because this problem does not happen, or has not happened at all, while playing World of Warcraft, Ragnarok, browsing internet, files, etc. The power supply is fine, surge protector and everything, my computer stays active when the monitor blanks so I don't believe the 2 are linked. Also, I wouldn't think the video card would be a problem, as the green LED indicates its still receiving video input. For the record, turning the monitor's power off and on again fixes the problem, and it usually does not happen again for a minimum of 20 minutes. Sometimes I can go for an hour-long session without it occurring at all. Any assistance would be appreciated, I will gladly supply any specs/info and I'm open to ideas