Hey, I am interested in starting electronics and was wondering about the keyboard, you have the caps lock and the num lock which have green lights, Are these lights just L.E.D's and if so could I buy a different colour one and replace it :D? scribble back

The answer could be yes and no. Depending on the brand, some keyboards have the lights configured so they are easily accessible. If you can clip them off without damaging the board, you should be able to re-solder a new light of your choice. Practice on some old keyboards before you try it with the one you want to actually change. It takes a little practice to make sure that your soldering is on key. Also make sure that your replacement lights are the same size as your "old" ones. I changed the lights on my gaming keyboard (an old toshiba-a dinosoar-but I luv it) and it was relatively easy. You may also have to find a radio shack or other electronics store that has replacement bulbs. Good luck!

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