Hello all, this is my first post on the site. I need help BAD! My Gateway laptop was working fine, then the screen froze. Ctrl_Alt_Delete didn't work, it would not respond. I powered the laptop down. Now, when I turn it on, I get the blue light for power, I hear the hardrive and DVD player initially start, then nothing, the fan also runs briefly then stops. Per a friends advice, I removed the hard drive, waited 30 minutes, re-installed and get the same symptoms. I get no beeps from any keys pressed. I have tried removing the battery, A/C power and hard drive, reseating them all and I just keep getting a black screen. Does anyone have any advice for me? Please help!

Does the laptop come up on an external monitor?

I tried connecting my laptop to my flatscreen TV but it just says searching for signal.

Do you get any beep codes if you pull the RAM?

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