Hello, I need a free powerfull antispayware that you know

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I have an issue on computer and I need a powerfull antispyware

For Windows, try ClamWin. For Linux, ClamAV. They are basically the same, just for different operating systems. Myself, when I need to analyize client systems for malware, I use at least 2 or 3 different AV tools simply because one will find stuff the others won't. Then I look at their output to determine which are false positives.

In any case, Clam (free, open source AV tool) works very well. That is my preferred personal AV tool for both my Windows and Linux systems.

Thanks rubberman. I'll very soon download it and test. Thanks bro

If your're not scared of paying i would say AVAST! and Kasperesky - I used both of them before but Kasperesky is the BEST of all the antivirus i've used. If your're looking for a free one, Norton is also great.

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