My Dell Laptop Inspiron 8200 is too slow.

I have done everything that is the usual methods to speed it up to no avail.

It has a 1.8 Gig Processor, 1 Gig of Ram. 40 Gig Hard Drive and all the trimmings.

If anyone has experienced this, and figured out how to bring the speed up to normal, please let me know what you did.

Cheers and good health to you all,


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All 2 Replies

There comes a time, like with me, when the processor itself is the cause of slow running. The best you can do to tune what you've got is:
At least 1GB RAM (you've got this)

Remove desktop documents & programs leaving only links to them

Cleaning out your Registry, removing orphans and other dead ends that are checked at boot time

Clearing out programs in Startup that you never use

Ensuring you have nothing trojan running to consume CPU

very good program to do a lot of the thing to clean and fix performance of you PC,.and it has a free version

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