Hi there,

Im a new one's here, kindly please someone help me how to stop an error loading everytime i started my PC since it was first occur when my anti-virus detect it as a virus and deleted it... the error always been shown on the startup is "error loading:C:Windows:system32:bcxhgsbb.dll ->could not found"

I tried to read all the threads posted here but seems no same problem have found as i am.
I looking forward to someone that could help me and i really appreciate it....

Thanks so much..


Im a new one's here, kindly please someone help me how to stop an error loading everytime i started my PC since it was first occur when my anti-virus detect it as a virus and deleted it... the error always been shown on the startup is "error loading:C:Windows:system32:bcxhgsbb.dll ->could not found"

What has likely happened is that your A/V or anti-malware tools have deleted a baddie, but left some remnants in the registry (a run key) that now call the non-existent malware on startup.

I would suggest that you run the steps here --> PP's Malware Cleaning Steps and post the logs for us.
At the very least, post the MBA-M and HJT logs as directed in the linky.

I am not here too often, but someone ought to be able to advise you upon seeing those scanlogs.

Best Luck :)

Hi there,

Thanks for the information...
I tried to use a registry cleaner program and it removes it.
Now, that error does'nt appear everytime i restarted my PC....


I tried to use a registry cleaner program and it removes it.

That will work too . . . . For the orphaned run keys of removed malware.

I still suggest running MBA-M just in case there is active malware remaining on your compy.

Best :)

That will work too . . . . For the orphaned run keys of removed malware.

I still suggest running MBA-M just in case there is active malware remaining on your compy.

Best :)

Thanks, i will keep that in my mind....

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