Hi ,

I've got problem with my flash disk 2.0 GB. It is ufo.exe virus, that deletes all the data in my usb. Not only that, When i try to format flash disk, it said that it's write protected but trully, I never ever switch my usb to write protected.

I am afraid that virus will affect with my computer because I always transfer some data to my computer through that USB.

Are u guys, have ever experience this problem? Please advice me what should I do to clean up that virus. Thanks so much


Arif Liminto

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All 4 Replies

if this could be of any help, go to http://technize.com/download/6
and download this file, is smart virus remover, great for usb and even windows itself, Best tool ever to remove auto run viruses from computer and usb. also has an option to restore your usb to factory settings or to disable the write protected usb option. Let me know how it went.

forgot something, unplug the internet and also run the tool under safe mode also. it runs on normal mode, but it works better under safe mode.

Hi thanks for your advice,

I've tried to run the program but the virus did not detected, I quess Smart Scan virus only detected a small amount of virusses, but the program is actually great tool. However, in this case, It did not work to cure the virus in my usb


Arif Liminto

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