There are some "funny" people in the class, playing best crackers/hackers in the world. I've got one enemy in the class (nothing serious, he's having problems with like 4 people or some). He might've used Skype resolver in order to be able to come after what my IP is, and since my network is 20Mbps only, while most of our classmates have 150Mbps. I think he might run DoS attack on me. Notable "symptomes", giant lag, that is ping sometimes reaching even up to 7000ms. Browsers do long over to download pages, while at speed of 20Mbps they did really well before the entire happening.

So my final question is, is there a way to detect massive UDP spam (tried netstat but it didn't really help) and then point out which computer sent it? I know that there's probability of botnet or Proxy or VPN, but I don't think they know how to defend themselves. Any ideas?

You can use packet analyzing tool, for example using Wireshark. It will display all the traffic in and out

But doing DDOS is not really something that you have to do yourself anymore rea
lly ... I've seen many online services offer to do it for you, at exact time of your wish and a duration of your wish. Further, I've even seen people sharing GUI's to their botnets for free etc(which I doubt they have no "bonus" inside or something)

I've seen many online services offer to do it for you, at exact time of your wish and a duration of your wish.

Yea, I know, the "stressers".

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