dbarkman 0 Newbie Poster

Hey there, I'm setting up a test LDAP server using openLDAP 2.4.19 on Archlinux. Once up, I'll be building some PHP apps that will authenticate against the LDAP server.

I've configured applications to use LDAP many times, but never configured an LDAP server. When setting up apps in the past, I always set a privileged user DN or BindDN and password for connecting to the LDAP server.

When setting up my own LDAP server, I can't figure out how to set it up to require a Privileged user/binddn. I'm able to create users and other nodes, but can't seem to figure out how to configure the binddn settings.

I've tried ACLs, different settings for require, allow and disallow, and nothing seems to work.

I think I'm looking for a general direction to be pointed in, but if you can provide some specifics, I'd greatly appreciate it.


David B.