Hello. I'd appreciate any ideas. No sites seem to tell me what this is: when I go to shut down my computer, an error message pops up that simply says, "fail" nothing more. I X it out and the computer shuts down. What is this????

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hi every helper, the window or worki do turns of by itself. and no messege of eror comes up after. i am using internet security 2008 version. and in medium mode but it still closes after 2 or 3 or 4 minutes without saving. ifu coould help it would be apprecieated.

Hello. I'd appreciate any ideas. No sites seem to tell me what this is: when I go to shut down my computer, an error message pops up that simply says, "fail" nothing more. I X it out and the computer shuts down. What is this????

What OS are you using? XP, 98, or?

I'll assume you're using XP.

If the message says only "Fail", I'm not sure...not seen that before. If, however, it's something more, I'd need to know what. Either way, in order to help you, I need more info. Most errors like that when exiting are generally infrequent and might not be such a big deal, but if you get them every time, then obviously there's more to it. Memory-related errors might be an indication that your system memory is failing and it's time to replace it. It might also be a program that's consistently locking itself up and has a hard time closing when you shut down.

Another thought is an infection. That's unusual behavior for an infection as it only happens during shutdown, but you might want to check out your system's Event Viewer to see what it tells you.

Right-click on My Computer and select Manage. Expand the Event Viewer and select Applications. Look for any red marks as they indicate problems. Run down the list and see if it's a recurring entry and if it coincides with when you've been shutting down. Chances are, that's our culprit. If this is the case, I need to know how that entry reads.

If there's nothing consistent in the Applications tab, check under System. Same thing. Look for a consistent error coming up.

Let me know what you come up with.

hi every helper, the window or worki do turns of by itself. and no messege of eror comes up after. i am using internet security 2008 version. and in medium mode but it still closes after 2 or 3 or 4 minutes without saving. ifu coould help it would be apprecieated.

Sounds like you're infected. Exactly what IS suite is that? There are DOZENS of Internet Security suites out there...please specify. Also, did you install this before or after the problem started? If after, then the IS suite will likely be next to useless as chances are it never properly installed.

FYI: You'd likely get more help if you'd posted a new thread instead of "hijacking" someone else's, especially since you're having a different issue. :p Just a thought. I'll still do what I can, but please keep that in mind for future reference.

Let me know what you find and we'll go from there.

i got trend micro pc cilin 2008 installed.but after the eror was happening but i think it is ok coos i reinstalled windows and it works and i am using the trend micro to delete allinfeccted files is it ok?>

If you still have infected files after a re-install, then you probably have 2 installations of Windows on your system now, which is going to take up extra space.

In the future, when dealing with XP, just make sure you have all your data backed up and program discs handy, then have the XP CD reformat your drive for the reinstall. That way, there aren't any infected files for PC-Cillin to find!

Also, make sure it's the Internet Security suite and not just the antivirus. The basic antivirus does not include a firewall, which is MANDATORY for anyone looking to avoid infection or personal data security problems.

Keep in mind that at this point, I still know next to nothing about your setup, so I have to assume a LOT in order to say you're ok, or to even give you advice on it.

If there's anything else you need, we're here. Good luck!

Just wanted to check in and make sure everything's ok...

From your last post, I'll assume you've solved the problem? If so, would you mind elaborating on what you did? It might help others with a similar problem. Also, please mark the thread as "solved" (same reason).

If you are still having problems, feel free to let us know so we can keep going! I like a challenge. :)

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