I am running two computers, both identical, Windows XP with service pack 2. No profiles other than administrator. I have four disks with Photo Shop training movies. On the disk is a copy of Quick Time version 5.

On one computer everything works fine. On the other I get a message "Quick Time Error #2095".

I can open Quick Time and read any of the four disks but can not see the Movie foder.

Even when using Windows Explorer to examine the disks I can see all folders except the Mover folder.

Any ideas would be appreciated?

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Good Evening and welcome to Daniweb!

2095 is usually a permissions problem.

If you're familar with the registry you can navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apple Computer inc\QuickTime

then change the permissions from there.

Dazza :cool:

If that doesn't work you could always try reinstalling Quicktime.

Dazza :cool:

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