Hey everyone. Just noticed a little problem. The computer at my desk is running XP Pro. and my computer in my office is running XP Home. Well, to run a remote shutdown on my XP Pro. computer, I had to go into administrative tools, local security policies, and enable it to be shut down remotely. This worked. I am able to shut down the computer at my desk (XP Pro) from the computer in my office (XP Home) well, when i try remotely shutting down the xp home computer from my xp pro computer, i get a "network path can not be found" message. I am putting the SAME code i use to shut down my computer at my desk: shutdown.exe -s -m \\OFFICE -f

Any ideas as to why XP PRo won't let me shutdown a XP Home edition computer remotely?

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instead of typing \\OFFICE, what happens if you try typing \\ and then the IP address?

:cry: nope, doesn't work. any other ideas?

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