All of a sudden can't open owners documents in documents and settings. Access denied.

Well, first off, welcome to DANIWEB! Secondly, we are going to need you to post some additional details for you to get the best responses from other members. I will start by asking you some general questions, and then I will leave you with some suggestions.

What type of operating system do you have? Is this a home computer or a work computer? Are you on a network? How do you log-on to your computer?

Your issue could be coming from a number of places. Have you checked your user rights to find out if something has changed? Do you know if your user account has administrative privelages or not? Also, how many other users are on your computer?

I am taking a guess that your user rights have been changed (hopefully not due to a virus or other such junk) which could cause this sort of difficulty. Let us know some of these things, and someone is sure to post a solution for you!

I am the only person that uses this PC.

Windows XP. Home.

I have the shield deluxe running. I really need the stuff in that folder!

Ok, can u check something for me? Or maybe a couple of things. Open your control panel click on user accounts. Is your login there? Let me know what shows up. The next thing I would like for you to check is this: Do a right click on my documents. Click on properties, then click on the securities tab. Highlight your user name, after you highlight, is the box by full control checked for allow?

shows owner and guest.
Properties in my doc. Does not show security. I must be missing something :-(

Well, lets try a work around....Open your word processor and try and access your documents from inside the program. Does it give you access that way?

What it shows is owner, and then owner with mulitple numbers. My files are in "owner". Access denided

Ok, one last thing to check for me......right click on start, then click on explore all users, under documents and settings folder, how many accounts does it show, and what are they.

shows like 5. Owner. Owner with mulitple letters.. Default. Not hightlited. All user. Owner 1 several times.

Did you buy the computer new, or used.....

I bought new, like 5 years ago.
I don't understand. Like I said, I have been the only user.

Just as an idea, have you ran a virus scan recently? If you have not, update your anti-virus, and then run a almost sounds like maybe you are being hit with a virus or trojan or something of that sort. If your scan comes up empty, try downloading TrendMicro housecall and use the free edition to scan. Let me know what happens!!

I need some help seriouly. I got the new Jpeg virus and my registry wasn;t working.
So i went into command line and looked at stuff.. deleted nothing moved nothing and when i came out all the programs ecept the internet exploer stopped working won't open

what do you mean when you say you looked at stuff in the command line...........

my scan goes 24/7. Does a full scan every 24 hours. I really need to get into this folder. LOL Pics etc. Now wondering how long it's been like that. I discovered when I tryed to forward some animal pics. My search told me in that folder. Then couldn't open.

try the TrendMicro Housecall and let me know what comes may have something that your AV is not is good to double check on that sort of thing..

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