Hello everyone,

I'm having a strange problem with my computer that I would have expected to be more common, but I can't seem to find any threads already on the topic. My computer somehow became infected with a few viruses that targeted about 20 different files in my C:\windows folder. I use avast! and I couldn't 'repair' any of the found viruses or move them to quarantine, only delete them. Avast! warns about deleting files from the c:\windows folder but I didn't seem to have any other choice. Now, the computer still runs, but it's much more jagged (sometimes the mouse pointer 'drags', the computer freezes for 20 seconds, and sometimes it will suddenly pop into various 'blue screens of death', mostly related to a 'program or thread crucial to system operation unexpectedly terminated'.

My assumption is that this is happening because of the infected Windows files I had to delete. Is there a program out there, or perhaps something in the Windows XP Recovery Console that would recognize which files are missing and replace them? (I didn't make note of the names of all 20 files or so that had to be deleted...)

Thanks in advance!

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If you did not already clear your Avast quarantine bin they would be in there. Start Avast, go Tools, Virus Chest, and check the infected tab. Note that in the System tab some files may be in there simply because Avast has detected a change.... and that change may be because of an update or similar.
List the files and get copies froma cd or another sys.

start/run , type in sfc /scannow ,note there is a space between C and /
this will fix replace and corrupt or missing system files ,you will be asked to put the windows cd in the cdrom

thanks gerbil, but I already checked the quarantine bin and they are not in there. Any other advice? thanks.

Try what caper suggested... it will replace the files covered by Windows file protection system. If others are still missing a Windows Repair will do the job [you won't lose your settings, files, data, but some apps may need to be reinstalled...]

I agree with Caperjack's suggestion. Then go to microsoft site and get the latest patches.

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