What I am trying to do with the attached excel spreadsheet is to place an IF formula in each of the cells within the black borders. The formula cold be something like this: IF(row 4 = "april" then place a number (say 1). The problem I am facing is that even though the cells in row 4 show names of months, the cells themselves obviously contain formulas so when I place in the IF formula to search for the month of April, it isn’t doing it as it is looking at the relevant cell and seeing a formula not a word. Is there any syntax to tell the formula to look at the text of the cell rather than the formula ie the formula looks at "i4" and sees "Apr" rather than seeing "Date(year(...),Mont(...)+...,1)"?


To set as IF(row 4 = "april";"";""),uyou should first reference the cell rather than giving as "row4"...

to set cell refernce:

CellReference refernce = new CellReference(row_number,Column_number);

now check it....

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