Dear All,

I need assistance with a Win XP computer on the network. I runs MS Access database applications. While working in database mulitple applications open especially blank outlook and access window pop up and slow my computer down.

Can you please, help. Thanks.

Can you be more descriptive of the errors or pop-ups you are getting?

That would help, though my grasp of your problem is tightening. :cheesy:

Hi ppalct,

Occassionally, 3 times today, my pc will open a large number of applications?? There is no common factor to this and in the last several months it has only happened twice. The only wat to clean up is to logoff/logon.

I have a Dell Optiplex-GX270 and I have been told that it could be the problem with the video card or memory. These applications (blank outlook and access) open up in seprate pop up windows but I can still manage to logoff/logon.

I hope this will help. Thanks. txeffend

Can you be more descriptive of the errors or pop-ups you are getting?

That would help, though my grasp of your problem is tightening. :cheesy:

Hi pcpalct

Occassionally, 3 times today, my pc will open a large number of applications?? There is no common factor to this and in the last several months it has only happened twice. The only wat to clean up is to logoff/logon.

I have a Dell Optiplex-GX270 and I have been told that it could be the problem with the video card or memory. These applications (blank outlook and access) open up in seprate pop up windows but I can still manage to logoff/logon.

I hope this will help. Thanks. txeffend

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