This is my virgin crash.

I was using my Laptop with Xp Pro. and it shut down, attempted to restart itself in SafeMode, then the screen went black.

I can't get it to do anything. No response to CTL/ALT/DEL, no reponse to the on/off switch, no response to DEL F5/F6/etc. Nothing.

You can hear the harddrive running, but nothing is going on.

What do I do?


1. Manually shut down the machine and leave it off for about 5 minutes. Then turn it back on and see what happens.
2. If you still can't boot into Windows, try getting in through safe mode.
3. If you can't even get in through safe mode, respond to this thread with how far you do get. Does the machine go through post (all that DOS start-up stuff)? Does the machine beep at all?

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