Computer Info:

6 Year old Dell B130
Pentium M 1.70 GHZ
1024 MB RAM
The battery has been dead for 1-2 years.
I have been running plugged in to outlet.


1. BSOD: Unmountable_Boot_Volume

So I did a little research.

Easiest fix...Boot from Windows XP CD and Repair...

Problem: I change BIOS configuration to boot from CD. When booting from CD, I still get the BSOD....??

Question: My XP CD, is titled "Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition." Is this the correct CD?

So, After being unable to boot from CD, I'm starting to think hardware failure....

I run diagnotic tests from BIOS menu.

Pass all except - DST Short Test - FAIL.

Error Code 1000-0146 "DST Log contains previous errors"
Error Code 1000-0141 "No hard drive detected"

I research and read

Question - Could it be the battery on the motherboard?

To Recap..

BSOD Unmountable Boot Volume.
Old A*s Computer.
Try to repair using XP Install Disk.
Cannot boot from CD, after setting BIOS boot priortiy to CD.
Think I might not have the correct XP disk.
I run, Diagnostic tests from BIOS.
Fail DST Short Test.
I think, it might be the motherboard battery.

Now..I'm Stuck...

Thanks for the help, Take this opportunity to score some Karma points, I'm a poor med student.


Recommended Answers

All 4 Replies

Sounds like your hard disk has gone bad to me. Does the computer make some strange noises when you start it? Not saying that the drive will make strange noises but sometimes they make a clunking noise.

Sounds like your hard disk has gone bad to me. Does the computer make some strange noises when you start it? Not saying that the drive will make strange noises but sometimes they make a clunking noise.

I would say the volume/sounds is the same.
I have been listening to the computer for 6 years.
I turned it on and listed closely, but there doesnt seem to be anything noticable.

Well it is only a guess but I'd say if you have a boot disk (Ubuntu works well) try it. It will have tools to test your drive.

Well it is only a guess but I'd say if you have a boot disk (Ubuntu works well) try it. It will have tools to test your drive.

i agree,sounds like the hard drive to me also, link to knoppix in my signature

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