is there any way to check up on the hosts 99% uptime garantee.

they use win 2k+3 and iis6.

thanx in advance
(ps without visiting the site every hour, please) :!:

There are services that you can buy (sorry I don't know of any offhand) where you pay to have an automated system ping your server and various services on your server every hour or so, and send you an e-mail or even call your cellphone if something goes down.

for starters how do you get around? you reply to posts in wierd places!

the problem is we are in south africa and all those services cost $ or € the exchange rate nearly 8 to 1 makes relitivly cheap things rather expensive.

a thought crossed my mind is there no way of checking the system clock running another automated clock if there is an inconsistancy it logs the difference and resets the alternitive clock to the system.
alternatively doesnt iis log downtime by itself? i am just not sure we will be alowed thes figures (coverup for bad service???)

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