I have a IBM 2153 en2 that I have updated the harddrive to 80 gb and 512 of memory and Windows XP. But the computer is still slow and it will not play videos. The processor is 100htz. I was wondering, could the processor be my problem and should I upgrade it? I do know that I have old BIOS settings but I don't think this is my problem. I just need the computer to run faster and play videos. Any suggestions?

Hi adog,:)

Man, 100Hz? That's soooo slow.

Yes, you need to upgrade. Just tell me - do you have to shovel coal into your machine to get up steam?:D (only joking)


confusing cpu with ram hopefully ,ram is pc100,not sure what cpu is maybe 1000, winxp[win98 as old as it is would likely work faster ,just to outdated ] likely slowed it down and bit with only 512 meg ram ,cant play videos ? ,what videos ,with what program .

No im not confusing cpu with ram it is 512 of ram. It had win2000 on it, but I upgraded to xp and that may have slowed it down. Its a K6-2 350MHz, sorry i said 100mhz my bad, but I read you can Upgrade to a AMD-K6-2 550 MHz but if the cpu is not my problem why upgrade it but i dont know so i need help. Do i need to take the leap? I hear it is a lot of trouble. This one guy said i would have to do all of this CXT emulator program Go to www.3dnow.net/files and download the setK6v3.zip file and extract it to a folder on your hard drive (i.e. k63). Click on Start, Settings, Task Bar & Start Menu. Click on the Start Menu Programs tab and on Advanced. Expand the Programs folder and highlight the StartUp folder. Click on File, New, Shortcut. In the command line type in C:\k63 (or the directory you unzipped to)\setk6 /on:XXXM (XXX representing the amount of RAM in your pc Click on Next and then Finish. Highlight the Setk6 icon and right click, select properties and in the Run box select Minimized, click OK and close the Exploring Window. Shut down the computer and install the new processor IS THIS TRUE? I HOPE NOT

Why do you want to just update the CPU, why not go the whole hog and upgrade your PC. Going from 350 to 550MHz is hardly an upgrade. It will continue to work but slowly compared to the current speed of machines.
Personally, I would not bother to do that upgrade. If you want to look at speeding up your machine look here...

this my opinion, you are wasting your time and money trying to speed up a 350 , it will never happen ,350 /550 its still going to be slow in todays internet world .I throw these things away Daily!

you never did tell me what video and were from and what player you were using ,you just went on a rant about what looks like overclocking the 350 to 500. save you money and someday buy a newer machine . the cpu ,

this my opinion, you are wasting your time and money trying to speed up a 350 , it will never happen ,350 /550 its still going to be slow in todays internet world .

Why do you want to just update the CPU, Going from 350 to 550MHz is hardly an upgrade. It will continue to work but slowly compared to the current speed of machines.

Who said great minds think alike?

ok i was trying to watch videos on youtube but it is jerky and slow I just thought if i replaced the cpu that would fix that problem but now I see it wont and by the way i do have a faster computer i have nine computers, i buy them fix them up and sale them. i have already replaced the ram and hard drive so I will just get a new motherboard then it will be fully upgraded this is just my hobbie so the time and money dont matter.

Flash just will never be fast on it. Flash is a memory hog. Ive got 233mhz Pentium 2 /768mb ram pc with a decent (geforce 5) video card. Youtube is still prettymuch unusable.

I doubt that you will find a new motherboard that will still support the RAM you upgraded, your CPU or PSU (well the PSU will not support the mobo), therefore you will need to buy these as well. (Video card?) If your hard drive and CD/DVD are both IDE, you may run into trouble connecting them both to the single IDE socket on your new motherboard. Most probably it will work, But!!!

I have a IBM 2153 en2 that I have updated the harddrive to 80 gb and 512 of memory and Windows XP. But the computer is still slow and it will not play videos. The processor is 100htz. I was wondering, could the processor be my problem and should I upgrade it? I do know that I have old BIOS settings but I don't think this is my problem. I just need the computer to run faster and play videos. Any suggestions?

How old is your PC? Double check your processor in the BIOS maybe its not 100MHz. You couldn't play video could be there is no codec software install.

ok i was trying to watch videos on youtube but it is jerky and slow I just thought if i replaced the cpu that would fix that problem but now I see it wont and by the way i do have a faster computer i have nine computers, i buy them fix them up and sale them. i have already replaced the ram and hard drive so I will just get a new motherboard then it will be fully upgraded this is just my hobbie so the time and money dont matter.

had you said that in your first post you would have got a whole lot different answers ,
good luck ,i rebuild and sell used computers to ,but throw away the ones like you are trying to make work on today's internet !

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