Bill Law 0 Newbie Poster

Subject: IE doesn't load

My primary problem is that Internet Explorer (IE) doesn't load properly. It will load and function normally only soon after booting; after opening it and closing it, it will not open again until reboot. Also, on clicking a link in Outlook Express (OE) IE does not open or load that link. I can't copy the link (in order to paste into IE)--this was new. However, I got this corrected @

My trouble began on March 25 when I installed Mozilla Firefox (FF). IE would load intermittently after this, no matter whether IE or FF was the default browser. I uninstalled FF, reinstalled a new version--the problem remained. By April 12, it got worse to the point that neither FF or IE would load regularly. I finally uninstalled FF, and using 'search' got rid of all references to Mozilla or FF.

Bad trouble occurred on April 25 when suddenly most everything went bad: desk top changed to something never seen before with most things left off, Palm would not load, launch bar disappeared, task bar went from top to bottom and could not be moved. I finally got into IE by ways I don't recall now. I did a Norton System Works update and then a complete virus scan. A virus was found, (Trojan.Tooso.F), and removed. But system still fouled up and wouldn't function much at all. I have not idea where the virus came from. I don't open attachments and only rarely open a link. Choice Mail keeps most spam away.

I used True Image to restore an image made on April 9 (at that time that FF was still installed). After this things went back to where they were before the virus. IE would load right after booting but would not reload after first closure and would stop working if left on but not used for 10 min or so. On clicking IE the empty IE page would appear with only the message: 'This page cannot be displayed'. At the bottom of the message was the notation: 'Cannot find server or DNS error.

I went on the MS IE forum and received some advice. I did a 'Protected files scan' --which was okay; also did a 'Winsock update'. Then did manual Norton update to get a new update program, new virus definitions. All this no help.

On May 5, I did another complete scan and another virus was found: (W32.Sober.O.@mm linc). and removed by the program. Then did another virus scan in safe mode and nothing found. I did go to Norton Security and did a specific removal of both viruses. I installed and ran BHODemon, Buster, CW Shredder, updated and ran AdAware and Spybot. I keep Counter Spy and MS Antispyware running all the time with daily updates.

Finally, I uninstalled and reinstalled SP2, but the problem remained. I also used regsvr32.****.dll but all were okay.

I would appreciate your looking at the HijackThis log and hope you can help.I have a log that I made 'prophylactically' in Jan, if that would be of help.

Thanks so much

Bill Law
