I passed exam 290 today with 925. Exam wasn't so hard. I have prepared several weeks and I expect more difficult simulations... Yes... simulations were very simple (I have 4 on exam). Rest of questions cover all topics (I above average questions from auditing, backup and permissions). This is a average microsoft exam. You have to know the material, but better than that you have to know the concepts of the material.

Congrats on passing Catherine.


The problem I had with 290 was the different types of groups involving inter-domain activities. The exam book on 290 did not go much into inter-domain relationships, and I suffered a bit on the exam, but still passed it on my first run too.

I also found it very handy to install a sample set of servers, and have them work with each other. Next time around, I will make 2 domains, and have them interact and see how things fare.

Good Job on your success!


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