through using Active directory,please carry on the following task by print screen of steps:
A-create a domain of user(printer user) allow them to print and read document only.
B-create another group of user(internet user) who are only allowed to browse the internet.
c-create an Administrator who has full access to caryy on any task and to control other users on the network.

Ezzaral commented: Lame -3

Is this homework?

homework? that would be one would copy and paste their homework assignment on a forum...

  • وهج

How about you setup remote control software on your networked PC so that we can log in remotely and do this work for you, free of charge..i'm sure there will be a line of people waiting to help you in this regard.

what are you asking? Do a Google search there's a lot of resources out there..

Line me up, I want to connect remotely...hahaha...

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