Hi, I've had to replace my hard drive due to a fault. Managed to get windows etc. back on. My problem is with IE. I get script errors or the page will load but with errors or the page will not load fully. I've loaded adobe flash. not sure what else i need. ie java or active x.
I'm using google chrome but i'd prefer to use ie.



Have you updated to the latest version of IE? Also, have you got all the latest patches etc. installed through windows update?

Hi, thanks for your reply. It's the newest version and i think i've updated windows. Because of the script errors i feel it's a jave issue or something like that.


Okay, no worries, check out your java version here

(update to the latest version if it says you don't have it)

Hi, Down loaded java and ie worked better but it turned out I didn't have the latest version of ie after all. Downloaded ie 11 and now seems all ok.

Thanks fore your help.

Great, glad to hear it's all working now.

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