I believe that many users may have the similar problem with me: seeing a warning that indicates your driver is out of date. But I do not know how to update drivers in an easier way. Both of my motherboard driver and sound card driver are out of date. Is there anyone can help?

If you dont have a CD with the drivers that came with your computer, the easiest way to obtain the correct drivers is to identify the hardware and visit the vendor's support website.

Thanks for your answer, and I found a super drivers update utility that can help update my drivers automatically.

I support Windows for several friends/relatives and it has been my experience that those who use "automatic driver update" utilities just end up with problems. My advice is not to update a driver unless it fixes a known problem. For example, don't update a video driver unless the update is required for a particular game.

I can't install "video controller" and I can't find it.

I would take it to my seller to update as I am a totally breaker.

Try Slimdrivers program it looks for driver updates for all your connected stuff an hardware components

I installed Windows 7 Last month and i lost graphics
Icant find vga driver in internet
please help me!
my system model is d915gvwb
it is intel corporation

i don't know any vendor's site
if you have d915gvwb vga driver send me at my email address
and send my more information about my system requirements
my email id is :kudala.rahul003@gmail.com

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