There's a lot of chatter about W10 but just tripped over this due a complaint about network speed fluctuations. Here's a google about what I turned off.

Microsoft has happily turned Win10 into a virus - "whatever is yours is ours" seems to be their attitude these days. Disabling this cruft is a total PITA. My attorney who is a very happy Mac user had to get a Win10 system recently and the first thing that happened to him was an infection of adware/malware making the system almost impossible to use. He was NOT a happy camper!

@rubberman. While this didn't happen to me (ad/malware.) I have a routine I do on a new Windows that works for me. Head to and install my alternative web browsers then install 2 add ons. Between Adblock+ and Web Of Trust, it seems to really help. It's been a year plus and my work horse Windows 8 and 10 machines have yet to suffer such a fate. Not only that but I didn't install another antivirus. It's sort of a test for Defender. So far, so good. Yes I use scanners from time to time to see if anything managed to crawl in.

The download sites today are toxic. Spread the word about Ninite is my response.

OK... I suspected this from the start... then didn't... Just today confirmed that Windows 10 updates will take all of the Internet bandwidth off of my router . Dead serious. Was upgrading a machine for a customer and noticed that when it hit updates, my Internet access literally locked up on all systems on my network. Just on a whim, I reached over and unplugged the network cable from the updating machine... everything came back up. I waited a few minutes and plugged it in again. Everything crashes again. Repeated two more times.

I have a high-end Netgear Gigabit router on a 3Mbs provider. I have never had this kind of problem before. (I know 3Mbs is not great, but it is all I can get in my mountain home/business.)

I have been noticing this slowdown frequently. I have two systems updated to Windows 10. I noticed the slowdown during updates, but also noticed it when these systems were NOT updating. This is what made me think it must be my provider and not my computers causing the slowdown. However, this "hidden" setting allows any M$ P2P updating to be pulled from your systems at any time -- and completely hidden. This explains why the slowdowns are random, and have nothing to do with the provider.

This is a massive problem. It will get worse as more people switch and upgrade to Windows 10. M$ seems to have blocked the ability to truly swtich this feature off -- and the worst problem is really NOT the P2P sharing, but the ability of Win 10 updates to "suck up" all Internet bandwidth being supplied to your network.

The only thing I can think of to stop this is to throttle these updates in your router using QoS. But I don't know if M$ updates use a specific port that can be throttled.

Any ideas?

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