im not sure if i am in the correct area - I am not technical --
I am having a problem in MSN hotmail with forwarding emails.
Whenever i forward a perfectly clear email each line start with > and if the eamil is forwarded more than once it will appear with - - &GT:amp;gt;
This all started approc a month ago
Pls advise what needs to be done to clear this problem
Thank you

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The "&gt" tag is the HTML code for the ">" symbol. In email replies or forwards, it is common for each line of the original text to be prefixed with > to differentiate it from any text you add to the message before you reply/forward. Further replies/forwards will append further ">" symbols in a nested fashion.

Just a guess (I don't use Hotmail), but one reason you might be experiencing this now (when you weren't before) is that you switched your preferences from composing emails in HTML format to composing them in text format.

Thanks for the quick response. I had not made any changes at all - -but i just went into mail options then msg replies and removed the existing option of beginning each line with ">" and then tested a forward eamil to myself and the problem in the message body is solved . thank you very much
I did notice that the email address is still preceeded with the > but it does not seem to be a problem

Thanks again

You're welcome :)

When I am forwarding an email , the matter given in the mail is not forwarded. only the attachments get forwarded. What is the reason?

When I am forwarding an email , the matter given in the mail is not forwarded. only the attachments get forwarded. What is the reason?

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