My Windows XP Home Edition SW started to take up to 7 minutes before I am getting all of the icon on my desktop and can proceed with my work.
I checked for all the known culprits (viruses, adwares, etc.) with no positives. It is close to impossible to operate this way especially when one has to un-install/reinstall SW or debug the computer.

Can anyone suggest an approach?


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Check the following:

- Hard disk exposed to strong magnetic field (e.g. a subwoofer).
- TWO spyware-checker or antivirus programs are running. They go nuts checking each other out as suspects, and eat up the time.
- You have an antivirus or spyware-checker set to do a full scan on startup.
- Hard disk damage.

Thanks for providing feedback:
1. My subwoofer is 4 feet away. Is this a potential problem? (It has been there way before this problem started).
2. I have Windows Defender as well as Avast. Can these two cause the problem?
3. I don't have antivirus doing full scan at start-up.

Thanks again,

Check the following:

- Hard disk exposed to strong magnetic field (e.g. a subwoofer).
- TWO spyware-checker or antivirus programs are running. They go nuts checking each other out as suspects, and eat up the time.
- You have an antivirus or spyware-checker set to do a full scan on startup.
- Hard disk damage.

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