I load about 3 to 5 systems a day (windows XP Home and Pro) and all of a sudden I can't download windows updates. I have had no problems for the last year and a half over this connection, and up until now no problems.

To start,
I have tried xp pro and home as well as vista
I have used different install disks
These are all completely legal and activated systems.
I have tried different routers and modems (cable)

I don't know if my IP is blacklisted or what.

I'm looking for outside ideas (A fresh look) of why I'm unable to update my machines.

As always in advance Thank you.

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I have created some install disks that have the updates built in, but I am really searching for an explanation to my problem not a work around. Thanks to your help I found a solution to a problem I am currently having (didn't think to look there).

We now want to try a new router and cable hook-up, giving us a new mac address and IP.

Sill any Ideas are appriciated.!!

It would probably be the mac address of the cable / dsl modem that you would need to change.

you have slipstream disk?

Ya, I now use a slipstream disk,(the only thing changed is intigrated updates)

I think its the mac too. But why would microsoft blacklist it?

Is there a way to change your mac manualy?

Your going down a dark path. Yes, you can change your mac address, however, it will probably be someone elses mac address (spoof).

microsoft, i do not believe, would blacklist ip address unless it was getting hammered (example. zombie DDOS).

You said it your self "the only thing that changed"....

Ya I figured so.... about the mac address that is.

As a computer retailer would updating hundreds of PCs over the last 2 years at this location be "hammering" them?.....Couldn't be, otherwise hundreds of businesses would be experiencing the same problems,.. Right?

Not likely, i update 250 machines every week. A ddos attack however, would put you at the top of their black list.


I load about 3 to 5 systems a day (windows XP Home and Pro) and all of a sudden I can't download windows updates. I have had no problems for the last year and a half over this connection, and up until now no problems.

To start,
I have tried xp pro and home as well as vista
I have used different install disks
These are all completely legal and activated systems.
I have tried different routers and modems (cable)

I don't know if my IP is blacklisted or what.

I'm looking for outside ideas (A fresh look) of why I'm unable to update my machines.

As always in advance Thank you.

1. Did you try starting from scratch not using your slip stream?
2. I understand about your internet problem, have your reset the devices? (all of them, by holding down the reset button for approx 10 seconds?)

Yes, I've tried tried every type of windows past 2000 that is 2000, home, pro, vista basic, vista premium,...

"To start,
I have tried xp pro and home as well as vista
I have used different install disks
These are all completely legal and activated systems.
I have tried different routers and modems (cable)"

The slipstream was only a workaround.

And I have tried reseting the modem ("I have tried different routers and modems (cable)")

Have you tried calling your ISP?

Sorry been busy, Ya but the cable company is hard to work with and it takes too long. believe me I stay too busy to breath all day long . lol

I'm going to replace the modem just no time to let it sync for a week. well 3 to 5 days

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