Scabby 0 Newbie Poster

Urgg - No DRM folder on WMP11 - Trying to access BBCi through their own software which I suspect is P2P junk>?
. . . .even thought I have,

  1. Logged in with Administrator,

  2. Shut Down kservice.exe and khost.exe - the two running processes.
  3. Show Hidden Folders under > Folder Options > Views > Show hidden files and folders
  4. Ticked Hide Protected OS Files under > Folder Options > Views > Hide Protected OS Files.
  5. Uninstalled WMP11 and re-installed it.
  6. Allowed Active X in Explorer
  7. clicked Start, click Run, and then type cmd in the Open box. At the command prompt, typed the following:
    net stop ehrecvr
  8. clicked Start, click Run, and then type regedit in the Open box. Expanded the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\DRM key. In the pane on the right, In double-clicked DataPath. In the Edit Binary Value dialog box, look at the column on the right to find the location of the DRM folder - It was not there.
  9. Tried to create one and it wouldn't create one as it says there is one there.

Anyone spotted the error!!!!!!!! Correct Number 4. - I should have Unclicked the box.
I started to write this and realised my mistake but continued for reference for everyone else.

See ya later folks!!!