does anyone have anyway of bypassing the system

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Sounds illegal or at least against someone's EULA. We don't allow discussions of that nature.

Bypass the system? Assuming the system doesn't have a BIOS/UEFA security password (or other security) set, including full-disc encryption, then you can boot a live CD/DVD and mount the file systems on the hard drives. If you didn't know this already, then you are an idiot and should leave well-enough alone!

FWIW, all of my systems require an authorized password to boot... Without such, you can't even get into the BIOS to ask to boot from a USB or other external device. IE, steal my laptop or other systems, and you just have a nice bit of hardware to wipe and start over with (and in the case of the laptop, not even that), but you won't get any of my painstakenly crafted code that I have spent years developing, or other personally interesting files... :-)

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