
I really need help getting my ZyXEL router to forward the ports I need.

I have tried going to Network > NAT > Port Forwarding and setting up the correct information, doesn't work. I've tried disabling the firewall on Security > Firewall > Active Firewall (unchecked), doesn't work. WAN to LAN and LAN to WAN connections are all permitted, I've tried disabling my PC's firewall and it still doesn't work.

Portchecktool.com (given from no-ip.org which is what I'm trying to use) says that all my ports are blocked except the ones in use by the other services (80, 8080, etc.).

Any help is highly appreciated,

Im not familiar with this router, but did you make sure that the host you are forwarding to does not have a client side firewall turned on? if it did, even if you set up port forwarding correctly, those internet services you mentioned to check the ports would show closed if the endpoint does not respond on that port.

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