Hi All,
Well I have been looking all over the dang internet and haven't found something that fits me.

First is I have two nic cards in my computer. One is hooked up to a NAT/firewall then right on the internet. I second is connected to a LAN that has a proxy for there internet. The proxy takes all the fun out.

What I want to do is use local intranet(connect to my server) on card A. On card B I want to use it for nothing but the internet. Two seperate networks connected to one box. The best of both worlds.

Card A is
Card B is

How can I route 10.* traffic to card A and the rest go to card B. I don't want to use another physical router cause we don't have the resources to buy one. I almost need a Access List that says 10.* traffic go to card A and the rest go to Card B.

I did my best to explain my situation and any help is thanful.

Also the box is Windows XP

the 10* traffic will work fine as long as your other computers on the network are on the 10* IP range. simply use static IP addressing rather than DHCP.

the 10* traffic will work fine as long as your other computers on the network are on the 10* IP range. simply use static IP addressing rather than DHCP.

I will know it will do it's the internet part that is the problem. It tries to go out the defauly gateway, the bad proxy. Wait a minute...you have sparked two ideads. First is I have to set up the browser to use the proxy in the first place. But that can't be cause what about other applications that use the internet, WinAmp, Limewire, how do they know where to go. Also I can't chagne the default gateway to the internet source cause my email client connects to several corp servers. Dang it's like a double bind!

Thx for your input!! You sparked some ideas.

FYI, WinAmp, LimeWire ever messengers can be config to go to the proxy.

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