Hello guys,

Help me fall down network connection suddenly while using on my laptop. I am using ASUS with a Grameenphone 3G Modem. This problem not happen before but suddenly I am facing this mostly.

Do you have ideas how to solve this problem. Any suggestion will be highly appreciate.

Please provide more information. Does it work when you first boot the computer and attach the modem? If so, how long before it stops working?

Try using a different USB port, then check the connection speed with a speedtest. Make sure your USB drivers are all up tp date. If the problem continues remove the device and unistall the device drivers. Once you connect the device back to the computer it should install the drivers. That device is only going to work as well as the cell phone tower signal it is connected to.

Have you tried troubleshooting or checking your wires and ports? It might also be a problem with the provider itself so consider calling them if the problem doesn't get fixed soon.

This is after Installing Windows 8 I suggest

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