IZEA's Sponsored Tweet services, which was supposed to launch in June, went live today. Simple premise, advertisers pay people tweet and tweeters set rates that they charge for tweets. Each Sponsored tweet would include a link to a specific site. There will also be celebrity tweeters who will invariable charge top dollar (if you consider Kim Kardashian and Kendra Wilkinson celebrities).

There will be checks and balances in place to make sure that everythin is on the up and up. The questions is, would you pay per tweet?

I can see it useful but then again, if the followers knew this person was accepting tweet endorsements, I wonder if the tweets would be taken seriously. Also, what would be the click through rate of a "sponsored tweet link" versus a regular tweet link.

I can see it useful but then again, if the followers knew this person was accepting tweet endorsements, I wonder if the tweets would be taken seriously. Also, what would be the click through rate of a "sponsored tweet link" versus a regular tweet link.

You have hit is right on the head, that being a credibility gap for the tweeters. For celebrity tweeters it would probably be more acceptable as they already get paid to advertise products but for regular people the credibility gap would be serious.

They need to come up with a better way to generate revenue from Twitter. Luckily, with clients like TweetDeck, you can filter out this kind of stuff.

They need to come up with a better way to generate revenue from Twitter. Luckily, with clients like TweetDeck, you can filter out this kind of stuff.

As a lot of other apps are borrowing the Twitter format I think they should borrow from Google and set up and adwords type function. It seems like the easist way for them to begin to monetize Twitter. What do you think?

I agree with you. Setting up an adwords advertising function on Twitter helps monitize Twitter and may decrease the amount of spammers on Twitter.

I agree with you. Setting up an adwords advertising function on Twitter helps monitize Twitter and may decrease the amount of spammers on Twitter.

It will also help get more companies involved. One of my clients loves Google adwords and if Twitter had a similar option my client would be so much more accepting of Twitter.

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