write an assembly language code that will:
Read a character (ASCII code) from keyboard using a BIOS interrupt.
then have to print that ASCII character in binary number system using DOS interrupt.
and have to invert that ASCII code and have to transmit it to a parallel port using a DOS interrupt.

Go on then, I dare you, write it...

Or were you demanding someone else write it for you for some strange reason known only to yourself?

If you need help, then show us how far you have got and where you need help. Then, and only then, will others step forward and do so.

Time to read the f***ing manual! You can find the PC BIOS specs online, as well as DOS interrupts. I presume you are running DOS on your system? Or in a virtual machine?

I see a huge issue with this. I haven't seen a parallel port in over a decade. What class would assign such given it's ancient lore now?

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