Hi guys.

In computer science we are using discrete math right?

I want know what is the role of discrete math in computing.

I mean in our everyday lives, I'd like to see the importance of it.

I want to see the theories in discrete math is used in the field programming / software developing, games, web developing, business, or operating system stuff like that.

Cos I don't see it. Especially if you are living where outsourcing is in rapid growth.

I've asked my professor on this one he will just answer "is included to my course a pre-requisite of automata" or "in some technology today"

I don't want a general answer, I want a specific answer on this.


It depends what they are teaching in the discrete math class, because there's a few parts to the subject.

You've got graph theory: that's good to have knowledge for, for some algorithms, or in designing data structures. You've got basic modular arithmetic: I find myself using my experience with modular arithmetic often in college CS classes. Seriously, be familiar with modular arithmetic. You've got big O notation: that's good for describing the efficiency of algorithms and understanding what really matters when it comes to making fast software. (You'll see idiots talk about taking less instructions or coding something down in assembly when they're using retarded algorithms. You'll also see smart people doing this when their algorithm is efficient.)

A lot of times, when people complain about the uselessness of the class, there are actually places where the knowledge is useful. People say, "oh, that class is useless," but of course they think it's useless -- they went in with the attitude that it was useless, didn't learn anything, and were unable to recognize places where they could use the knowledge in the future.

Oh, and logic, and proving things. Do you have to prove anything in your discrete math class? That's the most important thing. You should be able to prove things. You should be able to prove that the code you're writing works. At least in your head, to yourself, as you write it. If you're writing code that you can't prove works, then you're just guessing.

Combinatorics. I'm trying to think how that might be useful. It's useful in calculating some algorithms' speed. It's useful in calculating probabilities of things. I've never used it for anything practical, but I could imagine situations where it might be.

I have personally used direct knowledge related to modular arithmetic, big O notation, and graph theory in my programming-for-money programming. Big O notation, simply because once you start thinking about algorithms that way, you recognize that certain ways of solving problems will suck.

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