enim213 1 Light Poster

hi guys! i am enim, i usually post thread in PHP and i guess its my first time here in mysql..

i have problem regarding the total count of the terminatecause..
i need the count of ANSWERED calls only and the total count of all calls..
can i do this in one query.. because my query below isn't working..

pls. help

enim :)

select destination, count(terminatecause) as tc							CASE terminatecause 
								when 'ANSWER' then count(terminatecause)
								end as allcall
							from tblTable1
							join tblTable2on tblTable1.someID = tblTable2.someID
							join tblTable3on tblTable2.someID1 = tblTable3.someID1
							where tblTable3.someID1= '1'
							and tblTable1.someUser= 'user'
							and tblTable1.callstarttime between '2008-08-01 00:00:00' and '2008-08-01 23:00:00'
							group by destination, terminatecause order by destination asc
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