Hi guys, i have a big problem, hope you gurus in MySQL can give me a hand.

I installed the following package in 2 servers that have all in common except that the server A is in a Domain, and have SQL SERVER 2005 installed. The package installs with no problem in server B, in server A i cant get this working.

Apache 2.0.63
PHP 5.2.8
mysql essentials 5.1.31
phpMyAdmin 3.1.2
Wordpress 2.7

I have been all the day trying to figure what is happening, surfin arouynd a lot of forums but no answer fix my problem. In the Windows event log i have:


Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://www.mysql.com.

Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://www.mysql.com.

Unknown/unsupported table type: INNODB

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://www.mysql.com.


For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://www.mysql.com.


It seems that for an unknow reason i cant connect to the database.

I just dont know what more to do, and i need this wordpress working or my boss will put my head in his wall.

Please, any help will be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Obviously, as it appears from your information as also from a google search over the topic, this is a bug in MySQL. And guess what the MySQL people accept this, actually this is bug # 25156. Many people have had this problem. Take a look here

Edit : The MySQL guy tells us there that this bug corrupts the my.ini file when editing with the MySQL Administrator. You would have to correct the file manually with correct values from InnoDB setup variables.

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