I'm having problem to update the data into mysql database. for insert new data, it works nicely but if i want to update the existing data, it will hang my pc. even if i debug line by line, it shows like infinite loop. which part has gone wrong? i'm totally no idea.

Do While IsEmpty(Cells(lastRowCom, "D").Value) = False
        stockCodeExist = False
       stockCodeCom = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "B").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "B").Value), 0)
       marketCapCom = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "C").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "C").Value), 0)
       revenueCom = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "D").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "D").Value), 0)
       TotLiability = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "E").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "E").Value), 0)
       curLiability = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "F").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "F").Value), 0)
       tradeReceivable = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "G").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "G").Value), 0)
       inventory = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "H").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "H").Value), 0)
       shareholderEqyCom = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "I").Value <> "#N/AN/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "I").Value), 0)
       totLiabToSE = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "J").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "J").Value), 0)
       currentAss = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "K").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "K").Value), 0)
       fixedAsset = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "L").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "L").Value), 0)
       operatingExpenses = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "M").Value <> "#N/AN/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "M").Value), 0)
       ClosingPrice = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "N").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Cells(lastRowCom, "N").Value, 0)
       priceEarningRatio = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "O").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "O").Value), 0)
       earningPerShare = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "P").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "P").Value), 0)
       salesToTotalAss = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "Q").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "Q").Value), 0)
       totalAss = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "R").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "R").Value), 0)
       operatingCashFlow = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "S").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "S").Value), 0)
       peRatio = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "T").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Cells(lastRowCom, "T").Value, 0)
       altmanZ = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "U").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Cells(lastRowCom, "U").Value, 0)
       cashNeqvalent = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "V").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "V").Value), 0)
       EbitCom = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "W").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "W").Value), 0)
       sharesOutstdgCom = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "X").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "X").Value), 0)
       netAttributableCom = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "Y").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "Y").Value), 0)
       incStock = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "Z").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "Z").Value), 0)
       netInvest = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "AA").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "AA").Value), 0)
       retainedPOL = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "AB").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Cells(lastRowCom, "AB").Value, 0)
       ReOTA = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "AC").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Cells(lastRowCom, "AC").Value, 0)
       ReOE = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "AD").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "AD").Value), 0)
       AvergShares = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "AE").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "AE").Value), 0)
       netPOL = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "AF").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "AF").Value), 0)
       DebtEqy = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "AG").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "AG").Value), 0)
       paidUpCapital = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "AH").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "AH").Value), 0)
       fiyeMonth = IIf(Cells(lastRowCom, "AI").Value <> "#N/A N/A", Trim(Cells(lastRowCom, "AI").Value), 0)
       yearIdCom = Cells(1, 2)
       periodIdCom = Cells(1, 7)

        'check company financial exist
        Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
        sqlStr = "SELECT year_id, period_id, stock_code FROM company_financial WHERE year_id = '" & yearIdCom & "' AND period_id = '" & periodIdCom & "' AND stock_code = '" & stockCodeCom & "' "
        rs.Open sqlStr, conn, adOpenStatic

        If rs.EOF Then
            'record not exist in DB
            recordExistCom = False
            stockCodeCom = rs.Fields("stock_code")
            recordExistCom = True
        End If

        Set rs = Nothing

If recordExistCom = False Then
    'insert new company
    If recordExistCom = False Then
'insert new company
If stockCodeCom <> "" Then
 If tradeReceivable = Null Then
 tradeReceivable = 0
 End If
 If TotLiability = Null Then
 TotLiability = 0
 End If
  If marketCapCom = Null Then
 marketCapCom = 0
 End If
  If salesToTotalAss = Null Then
 salesToTotalAss = 0
 End If
  If fiyeMonth = Null Then
 fiyeMonth = 0
 End If
   sqlStr = "INSERT INTO company_financial "
   sqlStr = sqlStr & "(year_id, period_id, stock_code, receivable, revenue, total_liabilities, shareholders_equity, total_liabilities_to_shareholders_equity, current_liabilities, total_current_assets, net_attributable, inventories, fixed_assets, operating_cost, net_cash_operation, price_close, pe, eps, pe_relative_sector, altman_z_score, paid_up_capital, net_profit_or_loss, dec_stock, dec_debtors, inc_creditors, net_investments, cash_and_equivalents, retained_profit_or_loss, ebit, mkt_cap, sales_to_assets, rota, roe, debt_to_equity, average_shares, total_assets, shares_outstanding, report_period_end_mth)"
   sqlStr = sqlStr & " VALUES "
   sqlStr = sqlStr & " ('" & yearIdCom & "', '" & periodIdCom & "', '" & stockCodeCom & "', '" & tradeReceivable & "', '" & revenueCom & "', '" & TotLiability & "', '" & shareholderEqyCom & "', '" & totLiabToSE & "', '" & curLiability & "', '" & currentAss & "', '" & netAttributableCom & "', '" & inventory & "', '" & fixedAsset & "', '" & operatingExpenses & "', '" & operatingCashFlow & "', '" & ClosingPrice & "', '" & priceEarningRatio & "', '" & earningPerShare & "', '" & peRatio & "', '" & altmanZ & "', '" & paidUpCapital & "', '" & netPOL & "', '" & incStock & "', '" & netInvest & "', '" & netInvest & "', '" & netInvest & "', '" & cashNeqvalent & "', '" & retainedPOL & "', '" & EbitCom & "', '" & marketCapCom & "', '" & salesToTotalAss & "', '" & ReOTA & "', '" & ReOE & "', '" & DebtEqy & "', '" & AvergShares & "', '" & totalAss & "', '" & sharesOutstdgCom & "', '" & fiyeMonth & "')"
   conn.Execute sqlStr
      End If
          lastRow = lastRow + 1
    sqlStr = "UPDATE company_financial SET "
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " receivable = '" & tradeReceivable & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " revenue = '" & revenueCom & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " total_liabilities = '" & TotLiability & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " shareholders_equity = '" & shareholderEqyCom & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " total_liabilities_to_shareholders_equity = '" & totLiabToSE & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " current_liabilities = '" & curLiability & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " total_current_assets = '" & currentAss & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " net_attributable = '" & netAttributableCom & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " inventories = '" & inventory & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " fixed_assets = '" & fixedAsset & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " operating_cost = '" & operatingExpenses & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " net_cash_operation = '" & operatingCashFlow & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " price_close = '" & ClosingPrice & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " pe = '" & priceEarningRatio & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " eps = '" & earningPerShare & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " pe_relative_sector = '" & peRatio & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " altman_z_score = '" & altmanZ & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " paid_up_capital = '" & paidUpCapital & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " net_profit_or_loss = '" & netPOL & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " dec_stock = '" & incStock & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " dec_debtors = '" & netInvest & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " inc_creditors = '" & netInvest & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " net_investments = '" & netInvest & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " cash_and_equivalents = '" & cashNeqvalent & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " retained_profit_or_loss = '" & retainedPOL & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " ebit = '" & EbitCom & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " mkt_cap = '" & marketCapCom & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " sales_to_assets = '" & salesToTotalAss & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " rota = '" & ReOTA & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " roe = '" & ReOE & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " debt_to_equity = '" & DebtEqy & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " average_shares = '" & AvergShares & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " total_assets = '" & totalAss & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " shares_outstanding = '" & sharesOutstdgCom & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " report_period_end_mth = '" & fiyeMonth & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " update_by = 'user'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " update_date = '" & Format(Now(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") & "'"
    sqlStr = sqlStr & " WHERE year_id = '" & yearIdCom & "' AND period_id = '" & periodIdCom & "' AND stock_code = '" & stockCodeCom & "')'"
     conn.Execute sqlStr
        End If
         lastRowCom = lastRowCom + 1

End If

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All 3 Replies

I believe that you've messed up your IFs.
You've got 2 IF recordExistCom = False Then and the second of them ends just before the loop.
The Else you've got between insert and update will only work for the inner if, and you'll never update.

PS: It would make it easier to control the IFs if you kept changed the

IF tradeReceivable = NULL Then
 tradeReceivable = 0
 End IF


IF tradeReceivable = NULL Then tradeReceivable = 0

and similar for all the field values you're doing this for.

thanks guys. :) i've found my mistakes. missing commas in the Update sql. that's why it's not work. i've simplified my code according to adam_k has suggested as well. thanks a lot! :)

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