im trying to sort my random numbers to odd numbers and even numbers,,

the last part of my code is really wrong.....(the sorting part)

my code:

int main()
int num[50];
int x,odd,even;

for(x=0; x<50; x++)
         num[x] = (rand()%60)+40;
         for(x = 49; x>-1; x--)
               [B]if(num[x] % 1==0)
               if(num[x] % 2==0)
                         num[x] = even;
               printf("%d\n", odd);
               printf("%d\n", even);[/B]

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Well, you need to learn more about variable types and arrays as well.

Here is a little help for the last part

for(x = 49; x>-1; x--)
       if(num[x] % 2==0)
           printf ("%i is even\n", num[x]);
           printf ("%i is odd\n", num[x]);

Since it helps to explain what is wrong instead of just tossing new unexplained code at you, here's what's wrong with your code:

my code:

int main()
// first of all, why isn't the following indented?
int num[50];
int x,odd,even;

for(x=0; x<50; x++)
         num[x] = (rand()%60)+40;
         // second, why is all the following indented?
         for(x = 49; x>-1; x--)
               if(num[x] % 1==0)    // x % 1 is ALWAYS 0.  Any number / 1 
                                    // has a remainder of 0.  You need 
                                    // x %2
               num[x]=odd;          // 'odd' has no value, it never was 
                                    // set. Do you really want to 
                                    // replace the number with 'odd'?
               if(num[x] % 2==0)    // This next section would be better 
                                    // served with an 'else'
                         num[x] = even;
               printf("%d\n", odd);
               printf("%d\n", even);

See this about code formatting. Also explain what you are trying to do. "sort" has many definitions, and although what you seem to be doing can be called a sort, it's not what we consider a sort.

im trying to sort my random numbers to odd numbers and even numbers,,

What u wanted to sort on both odd and even in the same array. Stars all over head lol

You can sort either on odd or even thats it. Perhaps u can have two array one sorted with even and one sorted with odd.

And dont use getch() function(instead use getchar() ) its a non standard function and main should return 0.

As people said u need to work around on your code indentation.


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