I have a problem, and it's starts with doing two loops. I do not know how to do it. Could anyone just show me how to use 2 loops. Could you show me how to use a nested loop that will add numbers.


include Irvine32.inc

main PROC

mov eax, 0
mov ecx,3

               inc eax
               call Writeint

				  inc eax
                  call Writeint
				  loop INNER
               loop OUTER;
main ENDP
END main
Outer:   inc eax
            call Writeint
            push ecx
            mov  ecx, 3
Inner:   inc eax
            call Writeint
            loop Inner
            pop  ecx
            loop Outer

Your not very specific with iterators, so I assume you want to loop 3 times inner for every outer. If not, you just have to change the value of ECX before entering inner loop

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