I am using itext to create a pdf file for slovakia in java ,and after the pdf is created some characters are not displayed properly.I am using cp 1250 as charecter set and ARIALUNI.TTF file for font.How do i resolve the problem?

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I am using itext to create a pdf file for slovakia in java ,and after the pdf is created some characters are not displayed properly.I am using cp 1250 as charecter set and ARIALUNI.TTF file for font.How do i resolve the problem?

well... I guess you'll have a bigger chance of us finding a bug or just that little something you overlooked in your code, if we actually got to see it
furthermore, I don't know whether the type op font is important, but I for instance don't have it on my machine

I do know there are some standard packages that are supposed to help converting from (for instance) xml to pdf, tff, ...
it might be worth taking a look into xsl-fo, didn't like that much working with it myself, but it has got some possibilities that might help you out. at least, I had no problems with any characters after converting with using that one

Here is the code i am using in my application .I am using createFont method and cp1250 as charecter set.I also found out that ISO 8859-2 also support slovak charecters.

baseFont = BaseFont.createFont("/images/ARIALUNI.TTF",BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);

Any suggestions to how to resolve the problem.

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