How can i make a configuration in INI and XML so that i won't hardcode the location of my database and other configurations, and i would just change it from a form within my program? Can anyone help me? thanks..

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Usually VS saves connectionstrings in .config file or .settings file which is xml formatted. to do it yourself vs main menu Project->Add new item->.settings file
Add your items in this settings file, you're now can modify your settings without modifying your code.
Avoid using ini files, xml is better.

Thanks! is there a way that i can do it using my program in vb? like having a form where i can edit all the settings for my program in xml?

Sure, you've ml file and you also have System.Xml namespace which contains a lot of classes to add\remove and edit some nodes in xml files...

I'm kind lost there.. Can you teach me how? a little sample code will do, if you don't mind..

I'm kind lost there.. Can you teach me how? a little sample code will do, if you don't mind..

Create a new dialog form and use it to manipulate configuration items. On form_load add the items from your program settings:

Private Sub frmConfig_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        '   Set the default values into the controls via the program settings
        bLoading = True
        Me.txtServer.Text = My.Settings.Server
        Me.txtDB.Text = My.Settings.Database       
        bLoading = False
    End Sub

Set flags if they change any of the values and then on the OK_Button_Click test for changes and save them if they exist:

Private Sub OK_Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK_Button.Click
        '   See if we have anything to save
        If Me.bServerChanged Then
            My.Settings.Server = Me.txtServer.Text
        End If
        If Me.bDBChanged Then
            My.Settings.Database = Me.txtDB.Text
        End If
        '   If anything changed, save the changes to the setting file
        If Me.bServerChanged Or Me.bDBChanged Then
        End If
        Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
    End Sub

Please, tell me what exactly what do you want to do ??

I want to have a configuration settings editor for my program with mysql.. I want the users to be able to switch from one server to the other using a form. If ill be making an installer for my project where would the config go? can it be read by the application still? or will i specify a path where the application will read its settings..

From VS main menu Project->Add new item select .settings file, once you've added it a designer (tabular) form allows you to add variables add ServerName and assign it a default value.
In coding let's the connection string static except the server name dynamic from the settings file.

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