My first issue was getting it to open and read the text file contents... Woot it does that.

Compiles fine, no errors.

However... When it gets to the CalcRate, GrossPay, Display... it goes down hill and display mem locations.

Any advice...

And I still have another program to code... I suppose if I get this one in working order then all should be well.

I am suppose to use a class... I figure I could just have it read the text file, display it there... then just have it show the gross pay overall... but I think I may have to set it so that it shows the totalpay for each employee before the overall gross pay.

But either way... something is going screwy somewhere...

I hate programming... I'm not going to be a programmer... but I'm stuck in this class...

Any advice... PLEASE! Oh and it's due tomorrow!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct NameType
	string last;
	string first;
	char middle;
struct DateType
	int month;
	int day;
	int year;
struct RecType
	int ID;
	NameType name;
	DateType dob;
	float rate;
	float totalpay;
	int hours;
	DateType start_date;
	NameType Supervisor;

class ListType
	 	ListType( );
		void Insert(RecType);
		bool GetNext(RecType &);
		void Reset( );
		RecType DB[20];
		int   current;
		int   noemp;

	current = 0;
	noemp = 0;
void ListType::Insert(RecType rec) 
	DB[current] = rec;
bool ListType::GetNext(RecType& rec)
	if (current > noemp ||  noemp >= -1) 
		return false;
		rec = DB[current];
		return true;
void ListType::Reset()
	current = 0;
void Read_Input(ifstream&, ListType&);
float GrossPay(RecType&);
float CalcRate(RecType&);
void Display(RecType);

int main(){
	ifstream inF;"employee.txt");
	if (!inF)
		cout <<"**Can't open input file**"<< endl;
		return 1;
	ListType Empl;
	RecType Emp;
	Read_Input(inF, Empl);
	cout<<"you are here 1"<<endl;
	cout<<"you are here2"<<endl;
	cout<<"you are here 3"<<endl;
	cout<<"the gross pay is "<<GrossPay(Emp);
	cout<<"you are here 4"<<endl;
return 0;
float CalcRate(RecType& M)
	float totalpay=0.0;
	return  totalpay;

float GrossPay(RecType& M)
	float gross=0.0;
	return gross;

void Display(RecType M)
	cout<<"you made it to the display"<<endl;
cout<<M.ID<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<<<" "<<<<" "<<<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<M.dob.month<<" "<<<<" "<<M.dob.year<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<M.rate<<" "<<M.hours<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<M.start_date.month<<" "<<<<" "<<M.start_date.year<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<M.Supervisor.last<<" "<<M.Supervisor.first<<" "<<M.Supervisor.middle<<" "<< endl;
void Read_Input(ifstream& inF, ListType& List)
	int	i;
	RecType M;
	//display onto screen
			cout<<M.ID<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<<<" "<<<<" "<<<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<M.dob.month<<" "<<<<" "<<M.dob.year<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<M.rate<<" "<<M.hours<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<M.start_date.month<<" "<<<<" "<<M.start_date.year<<" "<< endl;
			cout<<M.Supervisor.last<<" "<<M.Supervisor.first<<" "<<M.Supervisor.middle<<" "<< endl;

>>Anyone see where my garbage is?
No -- I keep mine in garbage cans outside my house so that the trash truck can take it away each Tuesday morning :)

Sorry if that was a bad joke. American Idol just started so I have to watch it. Be back in an hour or so to help you if nobody has in the meantime.

Ok... so anyone helpful around on these boards?

I've looked at this code for quite some time now.

I'm about to say screw it and move on to something that I will actually use in my future...

GAH... Any help out there?

Logically it makes sense... C++ is stupid.

My first issue was getting it to open and read the text file contents... Woot it does that.

Compiles fine, no errors.

However... When it gets to the CalcRate, GrossPay, Display... it goes down hill and display mem locations.

Any advice...

And I still have another program to code... I suppose if I get this one in working order then all should be well.

I am suppose to use a class... I figure I could just have it read the text file, display it there... then just have it show the gross pay overall... but I think I may have to set it so that it shows the totalpay for each employee before the overall gross pay.

But either way... something is going screwy somewhere...

I hate programming... I'm not going to be a programmer... but I'm stuck in this class...

Any advice... PLEASE! Oh and it's due tomorrow!

I can't run it since you didn't provide the input file, so please either provide it or be a little more specific about what it's supposed to do and what it actually IS doing.

Well I decided to start from scratch. I just made it calculate the totalpay in the read input function. ha. it works. and that's all that matters.

now to do the next program... correctly. ha.

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