I have undergone a basic course in C Programming and I wish to enrich my programming skills by learning how to code for graphics in C and my main interest is to learn to write virus and so on. Could you please guide me what books should I need to go through. As of now I'm going through a "C Win32 API" tutorial.

learn to write virus and so on.

dont use your skill for destructive purpose !!!
use it for some development !
you can find some open source project on net, try to participate on them

I'll not be using it for destructive purpose but want to learn about them please reply where should I learn from and which book if any???

I'll not be using it for destructive purpose but want to learn about them please reply where should I learn from and which book if any???

What exactly is your non-destructive purpose? Most people don't try to enrich their C programming skills after taking a basic course in C by writing a virus. It's unlikely anyone here is going to provide you with virus source code. If you want to learn about computer security, which would include viruses and you are looking for books, an excellent author is Bruce Schneier. John Aycock from the University of Calgary has also written a decent short book on malware. Neither of them is going to provide you with virus source code though.

my main interest is to learn to write virus

Oh well, you really are on your own with that one ...

Ah!!!!!! Well I've changed my mind now, so lets not discuss any more about virus coding. I would like to learn to write softwares in C, anyone assist me how to please???..... I would like to start very simple software. How should I proceed ???

Ah!!!!!! Well I've changed my mind now, so lets not discuss any more about virus coding. I would like to learn to write softwares in C, anyone assist me how to please???..... I would like to start very simple software. How should I proceed ???

I'd start with the stuff in this post. It's a good list of tutorials, etc., and is pinned to the top of the C Forum.

The fact that you would even mention defacing TRUE hacker culture makes me dislike you >:(

commented: Starting a flame war are we? -2

please can i know comparison between c languge and c# languge

1. C is a beautiful language, developed by Denis Ritchie, its really very much powerful.
c# is an attempt to develop a language by microsoft to throw java from market. Its collection concepts taken from various programming language basically from java.
1.C is not object oriented c# is object oriented.
2.C is very much powerful when come to OS related programming and performance while C# works on various layer above so not much powerful

If you want to enjoy programming learn C not C#

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